This is the story of a rose


that fell in love with a Benji


first there was a compe whose Fiatu would nga’ra sana….


then the quest to look for the bride begun and in the process, a few exits were missed!


And the Rose was not so jazzed… she kept looking outside her window…


Oh well, to buy time she checked again how she looked


and double checked again…


and a few adjustments had to be done to make it perfect….



yes! thats more like it… the Benji would not hack resisting this….


so mum came in to encourage her rose that she was about to give away….


And yes! Benji was there to sing for his bride as she walked down the Aisle!Image

Thank God I’m a man, otherwise i cwould have been crying along all the girls in the church awed by thisImage

Time for some motherly adviceImage


wait, i thought rings were not sagged but looks like the engagement ring here did


then time for the GOLDEN KISS…Image

Couldnt post the next pic coz of the kids who like reading my blog šŸ™‚ but the bride too sang in revenge of love!


meanwhile the Benji was having trouble like Lot’s wifeImage

but luckily it did not last long šŸ™‚Image

just then there was a weight lifting challenge of who was the lightest?


never new frank could throw a bash down like this…

but this cucu gave him a run for his money…. ever seen a senior citizen so upto date with dance moves?

this one rocked the party

and rocked some more…

and young fellows couldnt help but get inspired

the MC quit šŸ˜¦

then we went for the photoshoot and i have never seen an easier couple to work with, let the pics tell you the rest of the story

this was the Ā most daring shoot ive done yet…

and it paid off

God bless the couple.

God bless this union

To God be all the Glory

photo credits:

Stephen Warui

Joseph Wachira

Categories: city streets wedding shoot, forest wedding, garden wedding, kenyan wedding, nairobi wedding, Uncategorized, wedding photography, weddings

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